Final Fantasy 9 Mods
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\"We gathered actors from all over the world to voice act the entirety of Final Fantasy 7. Every main, minor, and NPC; you name a character, they're voiced - even the tutorials!\" reads the Tsunamods website.
After several years away from PC, Final Fantasy VII Remake makes the jump to Steam with the Intergrade edition, featuring a new mission and other content for fans of the game. With news about new FF7 instalments also unveiled, here's five Final Fantasy mods for previous games to help get you into the swing of things!
Tsunamods shared today a new video showcasing Final Fantasy VII in true widescreen aspect ratio, so make sure to take a look at it to see how the classic JRPG benefits from this new modding breakthrough.
While developers usually try to make a game as good as possible, they are also confined by circumstances. They work to deadlines and shipping dates, publisher expectations, and budget constraints amid other factors. This means that sometimes the finished product might not be the best it could be, while the games that release on PC often get fan-made mods that substantially improve the game.
Over on ResetEra, players have been discussing the mods that drastically improved games (to the point they become \"essential\"). The OP, 'Soldier', clarified what they meant: \"I'm mainly curious about the mods that actually proved to be essential to a game, to the point that it would even arbitrarily raise a game's score: let's say a 6/10 game now becomes an 8 or 9/10 game thanks to just a couple of really essential mods\".
There were a few nods for Sonic Adventure with commentors mentioning graphics mods that substantially alter the look of the game for the better, either by upgrading the visuals or returning the title to look more like the Dreamcast version. Another notable nod went to Project Restoration, a patch for Majora's Mask and Majora's Mask 3D that features many fixes and quality of life improvements.
As said, the mod will be available on January 13th, and you will be able to download it from its official website. The team is also working on fully voiced mods for both Final Fantasy 8 and Final Fantasy 9.
Final Fantasy 9's flight from photorealism into a more cartoony fantasy was controversial, but it's become better appreciated with time. I can hardly think of any better tribute to the developers' original work than this mod. Way better than accidentally deleting it (opens in new tab).
Despite the new statement, a number of players have continued to use mods, and just this week, two players who were streaming the game have been pulled into an in-game jail by moderators for doing so (via, Kotaku).
Square Enix's attempt to remaster the original Final Fantasy IX was hampered by a lack of backups for the original background artwork prior to being downscaled to fit on a PlayStation disc, besides a select few artists who kept their own work.[5] This forced the developers to directly upscale the original graphics of the game, which were low resolution and dithered, causing a loss of detail that is evident in the final product.[2] Moguri Mod was created to use a GAN (generative adversarial network) to allow for more detail than would normally be available using the source material, with layer edges also being redrawn manually.[6]
I am currently using several mods for minecraft Java 1.12.2 including Chisel, Littletiles, pixelmon, Valkyrien Skies, Mccrayfish Furniture, Exotic Birds, Zawa, Architecturecraft, ancientwarfare, customnpcs, millenaire and dawnoftimebuilder. I can confirm that these all work harmoniously together if anyone wants to try some of these awesome mods created by awesome people out! These have become vital to my building of this world. Hope you enjoy some of the photos. As the days.....weeks....... em months (what day is it) go by I will add updates to my world. Any questions feel free to ask!
Releasing on January 13, Echo-S7 is a wildly ambitious project from the team over at Tsunamods. Adding full voice acting to the entirety of Final Fantasy 7, this is more than just a small group of fans and modders recording the dialogue themselves.
Tsunamods has recruited Final Fantasy community members from all over the world, with the main cast performed by trained professionals. The result is a voice performance for every single character in Final Fantasy 7, from the central heroes right down to incidental citizens in places like the Sector Seven Slums and Costa del Sol.
As reported by DSO Gaming, Tsunamods is also working on voice mods for both Final Fantasy 8 and Final Fantasy 9, though release details on those are still unavailable. In the meantime, you will be able to get Echo-S7 from the official Tsunamods site once January 13 rolls around.
PC mods just continue to get better and better. Savvy fans have been pushing what is possible within the medium further than ever before as of late, and the one we're looking at today might be one of the best ever made. freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ placementName: \"EventHubs_300x250_300x600_ATF\", slotId: \"EventHubs_300x250_300x600_ATF\" });
I'm the main voice director for this project but there are many more than just me working on this love letter of a project. Tsunamods is in the final stages of adding voice acting to the original Final Fantasy VII and will be doing the same with both Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX.
J'ai fait la version PC originale sortie il y a quelques années. Je n'avais pas aimé FF9 à l'époque sur PS1 mais vu la quantité d'avis positifs, je lui ai redonné une chance. Heureusement que cette version PC de base inclut une option d'accélération du gameplay, car sans ça je ne l'aurais pas terminé. Au final je l'ai trouvé assez décevant sur tous les points.
Hiroyuki Ito could really do with being locked to admins only. We first began having problems back in September 2013 with the user SQEX (though issues with the article itself and the edit warring began back in May), and he was finally blocked in January. However, the fact that he has continued to come back to this article and repeatedly add in long-winded passages without sources, using multiple sockpuppet accounts, is quite frankly ridiculous. It is now April 2015, he's been at it for over a year! Drake blocked him yet again today for editing under the name Follow My Lead. Off the top of my head this makes four registered sockpuppets of his that have been blocked, not to mention several attempts as an IP too. I'd hate to lock moderators out of being able to edit the article, but unfortunately there's no option to allow all staff members access, only options for autoconfirmed and admins. Call me lazy if you wish but I'm just sick of seeing him come back thinking he can get away with it again. Tia-Lewise 19:10, April 20, 2015 (UTC) 1e1e36bf2d