Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, And Performance (Revised Second Edition) Books Pdf _TOP_
Review of Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance (Revised Second Edition) by Pratap Misra and Per Enge
Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance (Revised Second Edition) is a comprehensive textbook and reference book on the principles and applications of GPS. The book covers the system architecture, signal structure, receiver design, measurement techniques, and estimation algorithms for position, velocity, and time. The book also discusses the challenges and solutions for GPS in various environments, such as signal blockage, interference, multipath, and ionospheric effects.
The book is divided into four parts. Part I introduces the basic framework for a global navigation satellite system (GNSS), including coordinate frames, time references, and satellite orbits. It also provides an overview of GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo, the three major GNSS systems in operation or development. Part II describes the estimation of position, velocity, and time using GPS measurements. It explains the concepts of pseudorange, carrier phase, Doppler shift, code tracking, carrier tracking, and ambiguity resolution. It also presents various methods for improving the accuracy and reliability of GPS solutions, such as differential GPS (DGPS), real-time kinematic (RTK), precise point positioning (PPP), and integrated navigation systems. Part III discusses the ingenious structure of the GPS signals. It describes the modulation schemes, spreading codes, data bits, and navigation message of the GPS signals. It also introduces the new signals that are being added to GPS as part of its modernization program. Part IV introduces the signal processing steps required to extract the necessary measurements from the GPS signals. It covers the topics of acquisition, tracking loops, correlators, discriminators, filters, and detectors. It also explores the challenges posed by signal blockage and radio frequency interference (RFI) in GPS applications.
The book is written in a clear and concise style that is suitable for both students and practitioners of GPS. The book assumes some background in linear algebra, probability theory, signal theory, and linear system theory. However, it reviews the relevant results from these fields before applying them to GPS. The book also provides numerous examples, exercises, figures, tables, and MATLAB codes to illustrate and reinforce the concepts and methods presented. The book is accompanied by a website that contains additional resources such as lecture slides, solutions manual, errata list, and software updates.
Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance (Revised Second Edition) is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn about or work with GPS. It offers a comprehensive introduction to GPS that covers both the theory and practice of this fascinating technology. It is a must-read for students of engineering and applied sciences who want to master GPS fundamentals and applications. It is also a valuable reference for practicing engineers who want to keep up with the latest developments and innovations in GPS. aa16f39245